[comp.lang.c++] Delta effort from C compiler to C++ ??

esink@turia.dit.upm.es (03/01/91)

Opinions requested:  Given that you have a clean ANSI C compiler,
written in ANSI C, ALSO given that said compiler required N units
of effort to write, approximately how much effort would be
required to modify the compiler to compile C++ ?  Would this be a
totally wrong way to approach the design (would ANY of the code
from the C compiler be useful ?)  How would the structure of the
parser affect the workload (ie. YACC, or Recursive Descent) ?

It would seem that such an idea is feasible, although I would
suspect that the incremental effort to go from C to C++ is
significant in terms of N (total effort 3N ?).

I was just wondering...  Somebody redirect followups to
comp.compilers if that would be more appropriate.



Eric W. Sink                     | Putting the phrase      |All opinions
Departamento de Telematica       | "Frequently Asked"      |are mine and
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid| in your kill file is    |not necessarily
esink@turia.dit.upm.es           | not recommended.        |yours.