[net.sf-lovers] Heinlein SPOILER

tfl (02/25/83)

Here follows a table of characters referred to in the last chapters of NUMBER
OF THE BEAST that appear in other Heinlein stories (plus some other assorted
sly references).

name                      reference
====                      =========
Lazarus Long              Methusala's Children and Time Enough for Love
Jubal Harshaw             Stranger in a Strange Land
Sir Isaac Newton          Between Planets
The Dane (Holger)         Poul Anderson (ref. to Three Hearts, Three Lions)
Anne, Miriam, and Dorcas  Stranger
Athene                    Time Enough for Love
Oscar Gordon              Glory Road
Star Gordon               Glory Road
Podkayne                  Podkayne of Mars
Bonforte                  Double Star
Libby                     Methusala
Holly (Jones)             The Menace from Earth
Cas + Pol (Stone)         The Rolling Stones
Hoag (Jonathan)           The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag
Sarge Smith               E.E. Doc Smith????

As to someone's question of what Heinlein was trying to do in these last
chapters, I submit the following paragraph by Poul Anderson as it appeared in

    I could even imitate Heinlein again and bail out the whole series
    by declaring that it shows an alternate cosmos. p. 285

Finally, an interesting trivia question from FRIDAY.  Friday's boss, "Kettle
Belly," appeared in what previous Heinlein novella?

		      from a drood who knows where his
		      towel is......

charlie (03/01/83)

hp-pcd!charlie    Feb 28 14:36:00 1983

	Kettle Belly Baldwin "King of the Kopters", appeared in "Gulf", one
of the better science fiction novellas ever written.  I am not sure but
was Sargeant Smith Lazarus Long's alias in Time Enough for love?


jma (03/01/83)

Starship Troopers is dedicated to Sarge - Arthur George Smith.
Could this be the Sarge Smith of The Number of the Beast?