[comp.lang.c++] Borland C++ 2.0 - just received upgrade

mcall@devnet.hac.com (Mike Callinan) (03/05/91)

I just received my upgrade to Borland C++ 2.0 ( its not called Turbo C++ 
anymore).  It took 15 Meg of disk space to install.  Here's what I've found
out about it so far:

  - Microsoft Windows Targeting.  Everything you need to write Windows 3.0
  applications is included, except for sufficient documentation.  They do
  recommend that you buy Windows SDK documentation or Petzold's Programming
  Windows, if you plan to write Windows applications.  Borland has
  licensed Microsoft's Resource Compiler, and has included Whitewater's
  Resource Toolkit, which lets you graphically create Windows objects like
  scrollbars, menus, buttons, radio buttons, text fields, dialog boxes, etc.
  A couple demo programs and examples are included and do run under Windows
  3.0.  The Project Manager (Make utility) automatically calls the Resource
  Compiler and links the RC output with your executable to create the final
  Windows executable.  The Help facility also includes the Windows API.
  There is a separate Turbo Debugger for Windows (TDW), which is deceptive
  since its still a text mode debugger, not a real Windows looking program.

  - Precompiled headers, which are supposed to speed up compile times.

  - Real and Protected mode versions of both compilers, essentially giving
  you four compilers.  You get a real and protected mode version of the 
  Programmers Platform (IDE), and a real and protected mode version of the
  command line compiler.  I tried the IDE in protected mode and had no
  problem with the IDE being swapped in and out of memory (I have 2M RAM).

  - The Programmer's Platform now has a built-in assembler, and an undo and
  redo feature with an extensive buffer.  The IDE's debugger can step
  backwards through a debugging session.

Thats all for now.  I think I'll go out and get a Windows Programming book
and figure out more of the capabilities and limitations of Borlands new product.

Mike C.