[comp.lang.c++] ET++ ftp site

uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) (03/05/91)

I would like to take a look at the ET++ product but I don't have the ftp
site it is located at.  Is it available on a US machine?

      Gregg Jensen
    These opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect my companies.
      Southwestern Bell Telephone

phil@sequent.UUCP (Phil Hochstetler) (03/05/91)

In article <1991Mar4.173252.28425@swbatl.sbc.com> uucigj@swbatl.sbc.com (Greg Jensen - UCI - 5-3531) writes:
| I would like to take a look at the ET++ product but I don't have the ftp
| site it is located at.  Is it available on a US machine?
|       Gregg Jensen

I'm sure it is available on many US machines but one that I know of
off the top of my head is:

machine:	cse.ogi.edu []
login:		anonymous ftp
directory:	/pub/et++/et2.2/et2.2.tar.Z

BTW: you really do want version 2.2 as this is much better than previous
Phil Hochstetler		UUCP:        uunet!sequent!phil
Sequent Computer Systems	INTERNET:    phil@sequent.com
Beaverton, Oregon
Phil Hochstetler		UUCP:        uunet!sequent!phil
Sequent Computer Systems	INTERNET:    phil@sequent.com
Beaverton, Oregon