[comp.lang.c++] Problems getting NIH CL 3.0 to work properly. Help!

fmbutt@mrbt.sw.stratus.com (Farooq Butt) (03/07/91)

Hi there net.c++.brains: 

I need your help in figuring out some weird stuff I am seeing when trying
to run programs linked to NIH 3.0.  I am running on a big-endian machine, 
BTW and have ported AT&T cfront 2.1 OK.  The problems arise in the 
initialization sections of NIH (i.e. nothing works).  The entire NIH 
lib compiles beautifully into a large libnihcl.a archive and I get no 
link errors when linking programs with it.  I have compiled NIH with 
-DDEBUG defined so it emits diagnostics while running.  

Here's a trace of my attempt to run "array.c" in the "test" directory:

ident: Foo Port II
version: 0
Memory fault(coredump)
# rm core
# sdb ./array
no process
no process
ident: Foo Port II
version: 0
SIGNALED 11 process 20141 function computeSignature__5ClassFv() in Class..c
252:    <no source text available>
computeSignature__5ClassFv(__0this=0x35bd0)     [Class..c:252]
computeSignature__5ClassFv(__0this=0x30174)     [Class..c:252]
dumpOn__5ClassCFR7ostream(__0this=0x30174,__0strm=0x2d440)      [Class..c:220]
initialize__5ClassSFv() [Class..c:343]
initialize__5NIHCLSFv() [Nil.c:175]
_main() [_main.c:58]
main()  [array.c:38]


Have any of you out there seen any problems like this ?  Is NIH
horribly endian-sensitive (my guess) ?  Is this a bug ?  I would
assume that *somebody* out there in net.land has run into this little
gem by now...  Any scraps you throw my way will be hungrily consumed



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