[comp.lang.c++] the book?

jbotz%MHC.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (03/07/91)

The GNU C++ README file has the following reference:

"The GNU C++ library contains header files such as 'stdio.h'
 'stream.h', etc., which are useful when trying examples
 from the book."

What is _the_ book?

Jurgen Botz               |      Internet: JBotz@MHC.bitnet          ..or..
Academic Computing        |                JBotz%MHC.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Mount Holyoke College     |    Compu$erve: 70531,600 (rarely)
South Hadley, MA, USA     |         Voice: (US) 413-538-2375 (daytime)