[comp.lang.c++] Ultrix <varargs.h> vs <stdarg.h> with C++

chang@osc.COM (Lai-Chang Woo) (03/07/91)

I posted the following to comp.unix.ultrix, but received no reply, so I'm
trying this group:

My problem is that I need the ANSI-style definitions in <stdarg.h> for C++
functions, but Ultrix 4.0 cc only works with <varargs.h>.  Needless to say,
the two files are nothing like each other.  I thought of producing some sort
of hybrid, but some experimentation led to the discovery that when the
all-powerful va_alist is not included in the argument list of the called
routine, the variable arguments from the calling routine are not even pushed
onto the stack!  To illustrate:

void func ( argA, argB /* , va_alist */ )
char *argA;
char *argB;
/* int va_alist; */

main ()
    func ( "hello", "world", "variable", "part" );

when run under dbx, does not show up "variable" or "part", or any pointer to
them, anywhere on the stack.

But I can't include va_alist in the C++ function declaration, and my C++
translator (AT&T version 2.0, btw) doesn't insert it for me either.  Short
of fixing the translator, how can I get around this?  Has anyone successfully
produced a hybrid header file that works under the circumstances?

Currently I fix the C output of the translator by hand, but that is painful
to say the least, so any help would be most appreciated.  Please email replies
to chang%osc.osc.com@uunet.uu.net.  I'll post a summary if anyone requests it.

Thanks in advance.
Lai-Chang Woo
Versant Object Technology

hueni@optolab.pyl.unibe.ch (hermann hueni) (03/08/91)

In article <4660@osc.COM> chang@osc.UUCP (Lai-Chang Woo) writes:
>My problem is that I need the ANSI-style definitions in <stdarg.h> for C++
>functions, but Ultrix 4.0 cc only works with <varargs.h>.

I use g++ 1.39 with libg++ 1.39 on Ultrix 4.1 and as far as I can tell,
the library component that implements interfaces to the curses library
uses <stdarg.h> successfully in:

CursesW.cc, CursesWindow::scanw( const char * fmt, ...)

you might want to look at that.

regards, hermann hueni
