[comp.lang.c++] Input Streams

ads@gateway.mitre.org (Alexas D. Skucas) (03/08/91)

I'm a bit confused about how to skip to the next line when using
input streams in C++.

For example, if I am reading from a file that has ten entries on a line
and decided to skip to the next line after reading only two of the
entries, how do I do it?

Currently I use cin.get(buf,1000) which puts everything into buf 
(up to 1000 characters) until it hits a new line character.  Is there
a more elegant way to do this?  I don't like having to use a buffer
since that eats up memory space.

Thanks for any advice


garnett@savage.bellcore.com (Michael Garnett) (03/08/91)

In article <1991Mar7.211045.16370@linus.mitre.org>, ads@gateway.mitre.org (Alexas D. Skucas) writes:
|> For example, if I am reading from a file that has ten entries on a line
|> and decided to skip to the next line after reading only two of the
|> entries, how do I do it?
|> Alex
|> ads@gateway.mitre.org

	use the ignore method of the istream class:
		ifstream F("somefile.txt");
		/* code that reads the 2 entries ... */
		F.ignore(255, '\n');		// eat up to 255 characters and stop after
										// extracting the '\n'
										// the use of 255 is arbitrary...I assume that
										// your text lines are going to be less than 255
										// characters long.
	is that what you wanted?
    *********                  Michael S. Garnett 
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