[comp.lang.c++] What PC configuration for C++/Windows development?

eob@cbnewsk.ATT.COM (eamonn.j.o'brien) (03/11/91)

After many years working on Unix workstations it is now time for me to
take the plunge and buy a PC.  The question is, what configuration
(processor, memory, disk, monitor, etc.) do I need to do C++
development in a Windows environment?  I would be grateful for any
advice and experience.



Eamonn.OBrien@ATT.COM                   att!Eamonn.OBrien

Eamonn.OBrien@ATT.COM                   att!Eamonn.OBrien

remde@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Kevin Remde) (03/12/91)

In article <EOB.91Mar10171641@cbnewsk.ATT.COM> eob@cbnewsk.ATT.COM (eamonn.j.o'brien) writes:
>After many years working on Unix workstations it is now time for me to
>take the plunge and buy a PC.  The question is, what configuration
>(processor, memory, disk, monitor, etc.) do I need to do C++
>development in a Windows environment?  

Well, something I've used successfully is a product by CNS, Inc. called 
C++/Views.  It's a product that comes with some 80 pre-defined C++ objects
(with source code) that allow you to easily do windows programming.
This package also includes a powerful C++ Browser (windows app.) that
helps create and maintain a set of objects, build makefiles, and maintains
include file object declarations.

If I say anymore about this here, It'll start to sound like an advertisement.
This is just the package I've used, and have been very pleased with.

>Eamonn.OBrien@ATT.COM                   att!Eamonn.OBrien
(heh.. I guess I shouldn't be talking to you AT&T folks, eh? 8-) )

Kevin A. Remde			                  remde@ncrons.StPaul.NCR.COM
NCR Network Products Division	                  (612)638-7376