[comp.lang.c++] SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug

jeff@contex.UUCP (Jeff Carey) (03/13/91)

I am using:

System release:		IRIX Release 4D1-3.3.1
C++ release:		S4-C++-2.0
Software Option:	C++ Translator Version 2.0

on a Silicon Graphics PI.
The other day I was testing the code found in the discussion
of "Virtual Base Classes with Virtual Functions", section 10.10c, pp. 233-4,
of _The_Annotated_C++_Reference_Manual_ and found the following bug.  You'll
notice that the bug is in the call made to f() from the MW object reference

---------------------- beginning of test.c++ code ----------------------------

#include <iostream.h>

class W { public: virtual void f() { cout << "W::f\n"; } };

class MW : public virtual W {};

class BW : public virtual W { public: void f() { cout << "BW::f\n"; } };

class BMW : public BW, public MW {};

    BMW bmw;

    MW* pmw = &bmw;

    MW& rmw = bmw;


----------------------------- end of test code -------------------------------

I got this result:

$ test

I would have predicted and hoped that the two lines of diagnostics would
result in the same text.
This is a bug isn't it...polymorphism of this sort should be supported by
references as well as pointers, right?!

Ouch ---
Jeff Carey