[comp.lang.c++] Question on ACTOR

starbuck@ucrmath.ucr.edu (aaron greenwood) (03/13/91)

I recieved in the mail an offer to buy ACTOR from programmers wherehouse
for 99.00.  List price 895.00.  The add claims this product is a case tool
for developing C++ applications including Windows programs.

Looks too good to be true.  Any comments on this product and it's value
for OOP using C++.

Aaron J. Greenwood                 email: starbuck@ucrac1.ucr.edu
Dept of Biochemistry                      starbuck@ucrmath.ucr.edu
University of Calafornia                  u8221@y1.sdsc.edu
Riverside, Ca. 92507               Tele:  (714) 787-3397

johner@leland.Stanford.EDU (John Lynch) (03/13/91)

In article <12702@ucrmath.ucr.edu> starbuck@ucrmath.ucr.edu (aaron greenwood) writes:
>I recieved in the mail an offer to buy ACTOR from programmers wherehouse
>for 99.00.  List price 895.00.  The add claims this product is a case tool
>for developing C++ applications including Windows programs.
>Looks too good to be true.  Any comments on this product and it's value
>for OOP using C++.
>Aaron J. Greenwood                 email: starbuck@ucrac1.ucr.edu
>Dept of Biochemistry                      starbuck@ucrmath.ucr.edu
>University of Calafornia                  u8221@y1.sdsc.edu
>Riverside, Ca. 92507               Tele:  (714) 787-3397

You're correct; it's not true. Yes, Actor is available for $99.00
these days, but it is not a C++ development tool. It is its own
object-oriented language and a development environment and set of
classes for developing Windows applications.  It supports single
inheritance and dynamic binding, the syntax is kind of a cross between
C and Pascal, and it uses a threaded interpreter (whatever that
means), which gives you incremental compilation of classes and pretty
good performance.  It's a pretty good tool for quickly developing
Windows applications; so if you want an inexpensive, object-oriented
tool for such a task, it's a good choice. If you are looking for a C++
development environment, I'd look at Borland's or Zortech's.

Comments on Actor and Borland's C++ are pretty frequent on

John Lynch