[comp.lang.c++] Cygnus compiler survey

gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) (03/15/91)

My company, Cygnus Support, is trying to better understand what people
want from C and C++ development tools, and what they are getting in the
market.  We sell support for the GNU compilers and work on them a lot;
we want to know what direction(s) to focus our efforts in.

==>Please don't post individual responses<==  Instead, email them to
"survey@cygnus.com".  We will tabulate them and post the final results
back to each newsgroup where this query was posted, so everyone can learn
what we learn from the survey.

We would be grateful if you could rate the various aspects from
1=Bad to 10=Excellent, or write "None" for non-existent features.
The first column is to evaluate the importance that you give to each
parameter, and the second is to evaluate the performance of the
particular compiler and debugger that you are using.

If you use more than one compiler, please tell us about each one
separately.  We are interested in your evaluations of all C and C++
compilers, not just GNU compilers.

Thanks for your time.


Compiler name: 			

Release or Version number:	

						Degree of	Compiler
						Importance	Performace


Reliability of the compiler			

Reliability of the generated code		

Speed of compilation				

Speed of generated code 			

Speed of recompilation after small		


Speed of learning				

Speed of compiler enhancement and/or		
compiler evolution				





Support of System Host				

Cross compilation support 			

Usefulness of the inline assembly support	

Inline assembly support				

Compatibility of Debug with			
Optimized Code					

Support of symbolic debugger        		

Support of ANSI C				

Support of K&R C				

Portability of the compiler and			
debugger across different platforms		

Integrated debugger (like Turbo or Saber)	

Compiler source code availability		

Compatibilty with other tools and		

Absence of arbitrary limits (i.e. Number	
of included files that can be specified		
with -I flags, sizes of arrays)			

Support of ANSI lint				

Ability to enable/disable specific		

Support of remote debugging 			

Flat profiling					

Call-graph profiling				

Basic-block profiling				

Control-flow profiling				

Position-independent Code generation		


Other important features: 	


How long have you used this compiler:	

Largest project you have used it on (# of people and # of weeks): 

Compiler host system (eg Sun-3, IBM PC,...):	

Compiler target system (if different):	

				  * THANKS! *
John Gilmore   {sun,uunet,pyramid}!hoptoad!gnu   gnu@toad.com   gnu@cygnus.com
			   "Go ahead --- make me diffs"