[comp.lang.c++] New OOP book

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (03/16/91)

I just scanned through a new OOP book at my local bookstore:

"An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming"
Tim Budd
Addison-Wesley ISBN 0-201-54709-0

and it seems pretty good.  The book seems to be designed to be used
as a university first course book in OOP, to give you some feel for
its target audience.  It's examples use C++, Smalltalk, Objective-C,
etc, and discuss the major OOP issues in a non-language-centric manner.
Thus it might be a good text for a beginning C++ programmer, or an 
experienced C programmer just moving into OOP.

[No connection to the author, and I haven't read this book -- I've only
 scanned through it.]