[comp.lang.c++] PHIGS and C++, Anyone have any experience combining them?

cpetterb@es.com (Cary Petterborg) (03/19/91)

We are going to be combining C++ and PHIGS in our software development.
We would like to know of others experiences (i.e. is it easy/hard/
impossible, problems you have had, etc.).  Our platforms are: Sun4s,
DecStations, ESVs (E&S high end graphics workstation).  The C++
compiler possible options are Glockenspiel, AT&T, Saber C++, G++.
Any information would be appreciated.

THANKS in advance,

Cary Petterborg					   (801)582-5847 x6446
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp.  Simulation Division   SLC, UT 84108
USENET: utah-cs!esunix!cpetterb       INTERNET: cpetterb@esunix.es.com