[comp.lang.c++] Friend Functions versus Friend Classes

twl@cs.brown.edu (Ted "Theodore" W. Leung) (03/20/91)

I have a question about friend functions.  I have an application where
I am simulating a company, where all the employees have a to do list.
The only person that can reprioritize an employee's to do list is his
manager.   I am trying to restrict access to the to-do list to the
particular employee subclass and by allowing the manager to have a
friend function which can access the representation of the to-do list.
I have not been able to get my code to work with a friend function.  I
have been able to get it to work by declaring Manager as a friend
class, but this seems excessive to me.  Can someone show me what I am
overlooking or explain why a friend function is illegal here

A skeletal version of the code as I think it should appear follows below....

class ToDoList {
friend Boolean Manager::Reprioritize(Bug& item, int priority);
    ThingList *things;

class InternalPerson {
    ToDoList ToDo;

class Manager : public InternalPerson {
    Boolean Reprioritize(Bug& item, int priority); // needs to look at ToDoList

Thanks in advance, 


Internet/CSnet: twl@cs.brown.edu 	| Ted "Theodore" Leung
BITNET: twl@BROWNCS.BITNET		| Box 1910, Brown University
UUCP: uunet!brunix!twl			| Providence, RI 02912