[comp.lang.c++] OO Software Libraries

wittkopf@proton.mpr.ca (Kevin Wittkopf) (03/21/91)

I'm currently developing an OO software library tool, consisting of a 
repository of (potentially) reusable classes, coupled with query
mechanisms for locating the components. I'm now in the process of 
locating any useful, publicly available classes and/or class libraries
to create an initial population of components in the tool. The general
domain is telecommunications applications, but general-purpose classes
will be included as well. The tool currently supports c++, eiffel, and
objective-C, but support for additional languages may be added in the 

I'm interested in any email and/or FTP addresses of publicly-available 
classes or class libraries that might be useful (I currently have libg++ 
and NIH libraries, as well as some communications and graphics-based 
classes developed in-house). 

Also, if there is anyone doing similar work, I'd be interested in 
hearing about it.

Thanx in advance.

Kevin Wittkopf                  | Voice : (604) 293-6087
MPR Teltech Ltd. 		| Fax   : (604) 293-5787
8999 Nelson Way, Burnaby, BC    | E-Mail: wittkopf@proton.mpr.ca
Canada, V5A 4B5                 |         proton.mpr.ca!wittkopf@uunet.uu.net