gamma@unizh.UUCP (gamma) (01/17/89)
For all the people who asked us at the OOPSLA'88 after the demonstration of ET++ about its availability: We will start with the distribution of a first public domain version of ET++ in the beginning of February. For all the people who could not attend the demo or have no access to the OOPSLA'88 paper: ET++ is an object-oriented application framework implemented in C++ for UNIX environments. An excerpt of its most important characteristics: - MacApp based model of an application - Container classes similar as OOPS - Object input/output or activation/passivation - Integrated programming environment with inspectors and browsers - The same application can run under SunView, X11.3 (support for Sun's NeWS is on the way) - Integrates support for the dynamic linking of classes - Text building blocks for hypertext applications - Automatic Postscript or PIC output generation - Declarative layout specification of panels or dialog boxes To get in contact send us a mail and we will add you to our mailing list and keep you informed about ET++ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Andre Weinand, Erich Gamma, Department of Computer Science University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 CH-8057 Zuerich Switzerland UUCP(USA): ..seismo!mcvax!cernvax!unizh!gamma EAN: BITNET: gamma%unizh.uucp@cernvax.bitnet Tel.: +41-1-257-4333 ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Michael I Angerman) (08/16/89)
If anyone has gotten ET++ running on a Sun 4 (Sun OS 4.0.3) using gcc version 1.35 g++ version 1.35.1- Please send me mail... If you have ET++ running on Sun 3 using the above gnu compilers please let me know too... Thanks, Michael Angerman The Santa Fe Institute 1120 Canyon Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 505-984-8800 email --->
crom@cuuxb.ATT.COM (Jack Dixon) (08/19/89)
What is ET++ anyway? -- -- Jack Dixon, AT&T { ...!att!dopsa!jcd, } (Wm Leler) (09/06/89)
Excuse me if this has been discussed before (I've been out of town), but can someone tell me where to get a copy of ET++? Easiest would be someone that I can ftp the files from. Thanks ever so much! Wm Leler
paul@dialogic.UUCP (The Imaginative Moron) (11/29/89)
Does any one have the FTP address of a site where I can get ET++ ? ET++ is a C++ class library interfacing to X11 and MS Windows. Thanks, Paul. PS Please email me - don't post. -- Paul Bennett | | "I give in, to sin, because Dialogic Corp. | paul@dialogic.UUCP | You have to make this life 129 Littleton Road | ..!uunet!dialogic!paul | livable" Parsippany, NJ 07054 | | Martin Gore
mtc@PacBell.COM (Mitchell T. Christensen) (12/01/89)
Hi there! I am looking for the latest copy of ET++. I understand there are some ftp sites here in the states where it is kept, if you know of one of these could you send me the location? If not could someone let me know how to go about getting a copy from the authors? I am also interested in a similar product from Stanford University. I've forgotten the name, but if someone has info on this, it too would be appreciated. Thanks in advance -- /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- Mitch Christensen - {ihnp4,dual,lll-crg,qantel,pyramid}!pacbell!pbhyf!mtc /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\- (Nishio 'Cchwitz' Shuichi) (10/14/90)
Some time ago, I've heard from someone that the newest version of ET++ has been released. Unfortunately, my disk crashed and I lost all the stuffs concerning it. Does someone know where I can get the newest ET++? Thanks. --nishio
shahriar@island.COM (Shahriar Vaghar) (03/21/91)
Does anyone know a ftp site which has ET++ source code and documentation. I prefer sun sparc version. Thanks.