[comp.lang.c++] TC++ Mouse Quits after a run Please Help

ar12@prism.gatech.EDU (REGISTER,ANDREW H) (03/27/91)

Sorry if this is not an appropriate topic for this forum.

When I get into the turbo C++ environment I have full use of my mouse.  After
I run a program the mouse cursor is gone and I can no longer use the mouse.  If
I exit and re-start TC++ the mouse comes back.  This does not happen when I compile
just when I run.  The same thing occurs with BC also.

Does anyone else have this problem and how do I fix it?

TC++ V1.0
DOS V3.3
Logitech Mouse C-7 (have tried msmouse.sys (from mouse systems) and 
                    mouse.sys/mouse.com (several versions from logitech))
Andy Register  Internet: ar12@prism.gatech.edu   Bitnet: aregiste@gtri01.bitnet

-- Sometimes the Bears Win, Sometimes the Bulls Win --
    -------- But the Pigs *Always* Lose --------              (author unknown)

mvm@jedi.harris-atd.com (Matt Mahoney) (03/27/91)

In article <25030@hydra.gatech.EDU> ar12@prism.gatech.EDU (REGISTER,ANDREW H) writes:

>When I get into the turbo C++ environment I have full use of my mouse.  After
>I run a program the mouse cursor is gone and I can no longer use the mouse.  If
>I exit and re-start TC++ the mouse comes back.  This does not happen when I
>compile, just when I run.  The same thing occurs with BC also.

My mouse quits in TC++ when I use the integrated debugger or the profiler.
It comes back when I exit TC++ and re-enter.
I have a PC mouse (optical).  I also have a Logitech mouse (mechanical) which
works just fine.  I have Turbo C++ 1.0 and DOS 3.2 on a Compaq Deskpro 386/20
with 4MB extended memory.

Matt Mahoney, 407-727-5431, mvm@epg.harris.com
#include <disclaimer.h>