[comp.lang.c++] Need help to set default to .CPP in TC++

mwizard@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Craig Nelson) (03/28/91)

luongt@tekig6.PEN.TEK.COM (Lu Tran) writes:

>	I've just gotten and installed Turbo C++ compiler and I have 
>	problem to set it default to .cpp extension file.  I have two
>	files: 		test1.c  &  test2.cpp .

>	When I type:	tcc test1
>			it works OK.

>	With:		tcc test2
>			it says, it couldn't file 'test2.c'
>			(tcc test2.cpp works OK)

>	In menu Option/Compiler/C++ Option/Use C++ Compiler I did set
>	to C++ Always and saved the settings, but it doesn't make any 
>	difference.  I wonder why it sets default to C program instead
>	of C++.  Any help are greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

>Lu Tran
>(503) 627-3077    luongt@tekig6.pen.tek.com

	Setting the IDE environment options has little to do with using
tcc.exe (actually it has nothing to do with it).  In the directory you
stash your source code you're compiling  (where your typing tcc at the
prompt) there should be a file called TURBOC.CFG.  Inside this file you
will find the various command line options that are set when you invoke
tcc.exe unless you override them with other options.  At the end of this
file on a new line stick a -P for forcing C++ compiling.  If this doesn't
work then read the manual.  It always works for me.

	Craig (mwizard@eecs.ee.pdx.edu)