[comp.lang.c++] Reading in objects

brucew@caen.engin.umich.edu (Bruce Hugh Wilson) (03/29/91)

I'm writing an application which involves inputting/saving/reading (from a
keyboard and text file) objects of different classes, but with a common
parent class.  It's easy enough to write various overloaded << operators
to handle objects of different classes- but this is because the operators
can recognize the class the object belongs to.  A sample file output might
look like:

motor1, 3.4, 5.4, .001 ...
load1, 4.3
big_shaft,10.8,0.1 ...

Is there a way to avoid the use of a switch statement in reading this info in?
My current strategy entails reading <the_identifier> and using a switch
statement, creating an object of the appropriate class, and then reading
in the next line of the file.  Is there a simpler/better way?