[comp.lang.c++] Updated emacs c++-mode

weikart@prl.dec.com (Chris Weikart) (03/29/91)

An updated c++-mode.el has been installed on gatekeeper.dec.com (, this time in /archive/pub/GNU/elisp-misc, for anonymous ftp. The fix is summarized in the latest modification comment:

;; March, 1991 (John Interrante, interran@lurch.stanford.edu)
;;   Restored some make-local-variable calls to prevent the tab
;;     key from doing very strange things even in fundamental mode
;;     (it was trying to indent the current line as if it were a line of
;;     C++ code because indent-line-function was bound to 'c++-indent-line
;;     everywhere, not just in C++ buffers).

Chris Weikart <weikart@prl.dec.com> .............. DEC Paris Research Lab (PRL)