[comp.lang.c++] Opinions on XVT vs. CommonView 2

mlonge@polari.UUCP (Michael Longe) (03/30/91)

(sorry if these are the wrong newsgroups... incidently, exactly what
is *in* the NIH class library?)

We're about to embark on the development of a financial application
for windowed systems (Win 3.0, Mac, X11/Motif). We have, and have
evaluated, the XVT C library (and have specs on XVT++). We recently 
obtained specs on the CommonView 2 C++ class library (for Win 3.0; 
others Real Soon Now) and user extensions. For those who have used
one or the other, we'd like your opinion (or a ref to a published review):

	How well does the product support portability? What are
	some "gotchas" to watch out for? How much needs to be
	added (e.g., generic file I/O)?

	How easy is it to (carefully) take advantage of platform-
	specific features? Using built-in hooks or direct extensions
	(subclassing, etc.)? Is the use of C++ advantageous with this
	product (or vice-versa: does the product make C++ worthwhile
	now instead of waiting for C++ development to mature)?

	What development tools (e.g., resource editor) are available?
	How good is the vendor's technical support?

Thanks for your support...

Michael Longe'