[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ project files

psjmt@cc.flinders.edu.au (James Tizard) (03/25/91)

Does anyone know if it's possible to convert binary project files,
as used by the TC integrated environment, into regular make files ??

 _--_|\        James Tizard                             
/      \       Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
\_.-*._/       Psychology Department                    
      v        Flinders University of South Australia   

pwt@otter.hpl.hp.com (Peter Toft) (04/03/91)

Use the program prj2mak.exe, which is shipped with the compiler.  The makefiles
generated look a little strange, but they have worked OK for me.  You may
want to make a couple of changes though - the default compiler and linker
are bcc and tcc, which I changed to bccx and tccx.

This utility is documented in the file doc\util.doc.



Peter Toft,				ARPANET	pwt@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 		JANET	pwt@lb.hp.co.uk
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