(Bill Rizzi) (04/04/91)
My apologies if this has has been thrashed to death already, but I've been off the net for months. I have recently finished porting AT&T C++ 2.1 to the following platforms: Box CPU OS C compiler IBM PC 80x86 MS-DOS Microsoft C Unisys B2x/B3x 80x86 CTOS Microsoft C, BTOS C Unisys U6000 80386 UNIX System V.3 "standard" C I have a list of the bugs I encountered and am wondering if there is a similar list on the net. Has AT&T expressed any interest in receiving bug reports? Most of the bugs had to do with the bogus assumption that sizeof(int) == sizeof(char *). There were some other relatively minor ones, but the mother-in-law of all bugs live(d) in the "#ifdef DENSE" code. The latter is a compile-time option that I used since all but the UNIX C compilers had identifier name limits of 31. This option truncates mangled names to a maximum of 31 characters. The cfront program itself has an annoying tendency to drop core when fed buggy source code, particularly when a class is used before being declared. Unfortunately, on systems other than UNIX, dropping core is not always a pleasant or acceptable means of termination. In this case, it is necessary to grab segmentation fault interrupts or whatever, if possible. I guess it's always something. Please reply to me privately if this subject has been adequately covered. Thanks... Bill -- Bill Rizzi INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation 26635 W. Agoura Rd, Suite 200 818-880-1200 x2110 Calabasas, CA 91302