[comp.lang.c++] TC++, BC++ Mouse problems

ar12@prism.gatech.EDU (REGISTER,ANDREW H) (04/04/91)

There has been enough mail passed that a general post is warranted.

Problem:  Logitech mouse stops working after you run a program from within
the integrated design envoronment.

There are two solutions:

One.  Upgrade to V4.1 of the logitech driver.  I did this and have no problems

Two.  Execute a <alt>-spacebar r to repaint the workspace.  This also does
something with the mouse.  This works sometimes but not always.

Andy Register  Internet: ar12@prism.gatech.edu   Bitnet: aregiste@gtri01.bitnet

-- Sometimes the Bears Win, Sometimes the Bulls Win --
    -------- But the Pigs *Always* Lose --------              (author unknown)