[net.sf-lovers] Star Wars was written when?

robin (03/26/83)

For anyone interested, Star Wars was originally written long ago by Mr.
Lucas in the form of an outline of nine(9) stories concerning the period
before, during, and after Star Wars takes place(thus explaining why Star
Wars in episode IV and Empire Strikes Back is episode V). He wrote these
outlines somewhere in between production of THX-1138 and American Graffitti
(so I can't spell 'graffitti'!). I got this information from an article in
Starlog magazine that I read some time ago, so I can't remember exactly
what issue or whatever, but if anyone really cares, send mail to me (that is,
robin@nmtvax) and I'll try to find out for you. Anyway, the article went on
to say that, with sufficient funds, Lucas plans on filming all 9 stories.
Out of those outlines, the first three were about the 'Clone Wars', the next
three were the adventures of Luke Skywalker, and I can't remember waht the
last three were about(sorry!). Sorry this is written so badly, but this is
the first thing I have ever sent out on the net and I am just soooo excited
(gee whizz!). 

                                      Till next time,

                                       Allan F. Perry

P.S. If you have any tough question about Star Wars and live in the Long Island
(New York) area(Commack, in particular) , look up Rich Timpone. He knows every-
thing about it.