[comp.lang.c++] bugs@borland.com -- no good deed goes unpunished.

harrison@necssd.NEC.COM (Mark Harrison) (04/07/91)

In article <1991Apr3.085530.27005@borland.com>,
sidney@borland.com (Sidney Markowitz) writes:
> It is the first, not the last
> service that we will be able to offer via the Internet.

For everyone BLASTING Sidney for setting this up, how long did it
take *Your* site to become fully "internetted"?

I have been pretty pleased with Borland's support, myself.  How would
*you* have done it differently?
Mark Harrison             harrison@ssd.dl.nec.com
(214)518-5050             {necntc, cs.utexas.edu}!necssd!harrison
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