[comp.lang.c++] Need lexer for Roskind's Yacc parser

urnes@loke.idt.unit.no (Tore Urnes) (04/11/91)

I need to parse major league C++ code in order to generate useful input to a
tool I have built (an affinity browser picturing relations between C++
objects).  I have done some hacking on the lexer Jim Roskind distributes with
his parser and I am using the g++ preprosessor to handle compiler directives
and comments.  However, I do get parsing errors every now and then (say, every
4-500 lines).  Inspection of the Yacc generated parser tree reveals that my
hacking is to blame :-). 

Unfortunately, I haven't got time (my affinity browser project is a one student
project, 15 hours a week, for 12 weeks, I am a 4th year student) to continue
hacking.  The C++ parsing is just an "if time allows" activity.  Less that 1
month to EXAMS ( :-) )!!!

I would be very grateful if someone who has coded a working fullblown lexer
(i.e. symbol table with scope info, and corresponding code insertions in the
Yacc code) for Roskind's parser, would give me access (e-mail, anonymous ftp)
to it. 

Hope this is not TOO much to ask.

Tore Urnes,    e-mail: urnes@idt.unit.no
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   | | | |  |_|  |  | |  | \ |_| |_   ::: Norwegian Institute of Technology
   ^ `-' ^  `-   `--' ^  ^ ^ `-   -'  :::         urnes@idt.unit.no