[comp.lang.c++] String as input stream

wilson@ac5.cs.nps.navy.mil (kalin wilson) (04/11/91)

Is there a simple way to use a string as an input object. Something built into 
the standard (?) iostream classes? What I want to do is similiar to sscanf with
an input stream or sprintf with an output stream. I want to attach the stream to a
string then use extractors to process the string. 
	Maybe this is undo duplication.  I'd like to stay away from printf type
functions because of some of the excess baggage they have.  It seems this type of
capability would be a logical OOP use of streams and strings. 

Kalin Wilson                | wilson@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil
Naval Postgraduate School   |
Monterey, Ca                | "Opinions? What opinions?"

dagenais@siegfried.vlsi.polymtl.ca (Michel Dagenais) (04/11/91)

In libg++ there is an istream constructor which accepts a buffer as
argument instead of a file name. Sounds like the solution to your problem.
You can probably even redefine the internal underflow member function to
handle data buffered by chunks... like a long object spread several pages
in a disk BTREE implementation :-).

Michel Dagenais				    dagenais@vlsi.polymtl.ca
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal		    tel: (514) 340-4029


mittle@blinn.watson.ibm.com (Josh Mittleman) (04/11/91)

In article <2072@ac5.cs.nps.navy.mil>, wilson@ac5.cs.nps.navy.mil (kalin
wilson) writes:
> Is there a simple way to use a string as an input object. 

Yes.  You want to use istrstreams and ostrstreams.  Lippman's C++ Primer
has a good description in section A.8, Incore Formatting, beginning p.409.

mlanett@ncsa.uiuc.edu (Mark Lanett) (04/12/91)

In article <DAGENAIS.91Apr11092631@pollux.siegfried.vlsi.polymtl.ca>,
dagenais@siegfried.vlsi.polymtl.ca (Michel Dagenais) writes:
> In libg++ there is an istream constructor which accepts a buffer as
> argument instead of a file name. Sounds like the solution to your problem.
> You can probably even redefine the internal underflow member function to
> handle data buffered by chunks... like a long object spread several pages
> in a disk BTREE implementation :-).
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michel Dagenais				    dagenais@vlsi.polymtl.ca
> Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal		    tel: (514) 340-4029
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

A better solution is the iostream library's strstreambuf. Use
istrstream (buf, sizeof (buf)) and ostrstream (buf, sizeof (buf)) to create
the strstreams. You can insert and extract from them as with istream and
Mark Lanett, mark-lanett@uiuc.edu
NCSA, Software Tools Group, mlanett@ncsa.uiuc.edu