[comp.lang.c++] Re : C++ Beautifier

gaa@castle.ed.ac.uk (Gerard A. Allan) (04/12/91)

There are a lot of requests for a C++ Beautifier but never any replies.
Until somebody can point to something better I will have to go on using 

sed -e 's/::/_XX_/g' -e 's/\/\//_##_/g' | \
cb |sed -e 's/_XX_/::/g' -e 's/_##_/\/\//g' 

I called Cb and it is used as cb (eg.  Cb < File.C > NewFile.C)
Surely someone out there has something a bit more comprehensive. Failing
that is there any PD source of cb available anywhere ? 

Gerard A. Allan                              | Post:  EMF
gaa@castle.ed.ac.uk                          |        Kings Buildings
JANET:gaa@uk.ac.ed.castle                    |        University of Edinburgh
Internet:gaa%castle.ed.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu |        Edinburgh
EARN/BITNET:gaa%castle.ed.ac.uk@UKACRL       |        Scotland
UUCP:gaa%castle.ed.ac.uk@ukc.uucp            |        EH9 3JL