[comp.lang.c++] Looking for reference on C++ and databases

Bruce_H_Ring@cup.portal.com (04/15/91)

aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) asks:

> I am looking for references on designing and building
> systems using C++ and relational databases.  So far the
> only reference I have found is in

> "Object Oriented Design With Applications" by Grady Booch

> I am also interested in references about C++ and object oriented
> databases.

Here are two books:

	Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications
	Edited by Won Kim and Frederick H. Lochovsky
	Addison-Wesley, 1989

	Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems
	Edited by Stanley B. Zdonik and David Maier
	Morgan Kaufmann, 1990

And here is a magazine article:

	"Architecural Issues in Object-Oriented Databases"
	By Won Kim
	Journal of Object-Oriented Programming
	March/April 1990, page 29

Bruce Ring
Gupta Technologies, Inc.