[comp.lang.c++] C++ and indent

wilson@ac9.cs.nps.navy.mil (kalin wilson) (04/18/91)

I am just starting to figure out the unix indent text formatter.  I want to use
it to format C++ source.  AS I have it set up now indent doesn't recognize 
"//" as a comment token. Is there a way to have it do that? also is there an 
easier way to have it leave the scope (::) operator alone. I get a space between colons sometimes.
also it doesn't like constructors and destructors because their typeless.

	I think I saw someone post their settings for beautifying C++ before
under a previous subject. I didn't save that unfortunately. If you use indent
with C++ or have some other setup, please post it. I'd greatly appreciate any

Kalin Wilson
Naval Postgraduate School