[comp.lang.c++] Transition from C to C++

aeichsta@athena.mit.edu (Andrew J. Eichstaedt) (04/20/91)

I'm doing a project trying to determine what happens when groups or larger
organizations switch from C to C++.  I'm trying to answer questions like:

	* How soon are OO the benefits of C++ realized?
	* What unexpected problems occur?
	* How might the transision be smoothed?
	* When does it make sense to switch to C++ at all?

I would be interested in hearing about any experience anyone might have with
such issues.  I'd be happy to get e-mail, though I think this could turn into
a productive discussion thread, if it hasn't been explored here before.

Also, if anyone has any knowledge of other good sources for this sort of
material, I'd be glad to hear about that.

Once again, any help would be appreciated quite a lot.  Thanks in advance!

Andrew Eichstaedt