[comp.lang.c++] C++ 2.0 Streams question

jas@ISI.EDU (Jeff Sullivan) (04/20/91)

I am trying to use a BC++ 2.0 stream.  It's an 

ifstream tmpin("FILE.IN");
char *tmp1, *tmp2;

The lines of FILE.IN looks like this:

 Last		Middle		First		DOB
 -------------- --------------- --------------- -------
 Smith		John	        Samuel		10/10/77

And what I want to do is read the first line into a char*, so I can
read the second line into a char* and figure out what the field
lengths are.  The first gives me the names, the second, the lengths.

Now, I tried this:

tmpin.unsetf(ios::skipws); // To turn off whitespace breaking
tmpin >> tmp1;

I thought this would give me:
" Last		Middle		First		DOB", but it doesn't.
It gives me " Last  ".  So SKIPWS must still be on, yes?  Why?

Also, I want to lose that first space, so I thought I could do this:

tmpin >> ignore (1, '\n') >> tmp2;

And lose the space, slurping the rest into tmp2, but it doesn't let me
do ignore() at all; says I can't use that function on this data type.

Can anyone illuminate me on my problems?


Jeffrey A. Sullivan		| Senior Systems Programmer
jas@venera.isi.edu		| Information Sciences Institute
jas@isi.edu                    	| University of Southern California