[comp.lang.c++] C++ to C translator

behrend@Ph1.Uni-Koeln.De (Joerg Behrend) (04/04/91)

I am looking for a preprocessor - if possible in the public domain - which
translates C++ to C code. It should run under MS-DOS, Unix, or VMS.

Many thanks for your reply in advance.

  |  Joerg Behrend                     Tel.:     +49 (221) 470-4529         |
  |  I. Physikalisches Institut        Fax:      +49 (221) 470-5162         |
  |  Universitaet Koeln                Telex:    888 2291 UNIK D            |
  |  Zuelpicher Str. 77                                                     |
  |  D-W-5000 Koeln 41, Germany        Internet: behrend@Ph1.Uni-Koeln.De   |
[There are several C++ to C translators starting with AT&T's original
cfront, but all the ones of which I am aware are proprietary.  Gnu G++ is
free but goes directly to assembler and doesn't run under DOS. -John]
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mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at (Michael K. Gschwind) (04/22/91)

I remember seeing a message on either gnu.gcc.help or comp.compilers
about using C as a target machine specification for GNU CC. Does
anybody know about the state of this project?

BTW, there ARE several versions of gcc running on DOS. The info was
posted on gnu.gcc.help recently. The binaries of one such version were
also posted in some PC binaries newsgroup recently.

				Hope this helps,

Michael K. Gschwind, Dept. of VLSI-Design, Vienna University of Technology
mike@vlsivie.tuwien.ac.at or mike@vlsivie.uucp
Voice: (++43).1.58801 8144  Fax:   (++43).1.569697
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