[comp.lang.c++] TI cpp with templates

gwu@tcs.com (George Wu) (04/24/91)

     It seems others have had trouble grabbing Texas Instruments' public
domain cpp.  For a short while, this file is now accessible as pub/cpp.tar.Z
on ftp.tcs.com (  Please don't dally when connected to this
machine, as we're just not setup to handle lots of network traffic.

     Any of you administrators for the regular archive sites are especially
welcome to grab a copy . . . .


George J Wu, Software Engineer        | gwu@tcs.com or uunet!tcs!gwu
Teknekron Communications Systems, Inc.| (415) 649-3752
2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, 94704 | Quit reading news.  Get back to work.