[comp.lang.c++] TurboC++ 1.01 with smartdrv.sys

rodney@syzygy.math.ucla.edu (Rodney Sinclair) (04/24/91)

Whenever I run TurboC++ 1.01 with smartdrv.sys installed, my c: partition
(where TurboC resides) gets trashed.  Borland has been unable to recommend
a fix (other than not using smartdrv.sys).

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do to fix it?

I'm using a 25MHz 386 AT clone (PC Brand) with 4MB of memory with c:, d:, and
e: partitions on a Miniscribe 3085 hard drive.


psmith@iies.ecn.purdue.edu (Paul F Smith) (04/24/91)

In article <1991Apr23.202154.24835@math.ucla.edu> rodney@syzygy.math.ucla.edu (Rodney Sinclair) writes:
>Whenever I run TurboC++ 1.01 with smartdrv.sys installed, my c: partition
>(where TurboC resides) gets trashed.  Borland has been unable to recommend
>a fix (other than not using smartdrv.sys).
>Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, what did you do to fix it?
>I'm using a 25MHz 386 AT clone (PC Brand) with 4MB of memory with c:, d:, and
>e: partitions on a Miniscribe 3085 hard drive.

This is probably not Turbo C++'s fault ... 
I have had a lot of trouble with smartdrv.sys trashing drives and in
general getting confused, like showing all of the entries in a directory

I tell anyone who asks to stop using it, period. They almost always stop 
having problems. 

I've found that PC-CACHE in PCTools Deluxe 6.0 works well. I've had
no trouble in approx 6 months of use.

Paul F. Smith - ADPC - Purdue University     psmith@ecn.purdue.edu
            Disclaimer: "Huh? Did I say something?"