[comp.lang.c++] Turbo Questions

popkin@cs.odu.edu (Brian N. Popkin) (04/24/91)

  Can someome tell me in email Please if turbo c++ and
  borland c, have the following?

  1) Turbo Vision like in turbo pascal
  2) Objects
  3) OOP
  4) Units

  I am thinking of buying ether borland C or turbo c++
  to write a dos application in.. any suggestions?

  I need the pull down menus and mouse support, thats
  why turbo vision in turbo pascal is great!



*                                                                             *
*  Brian Popkin	                                                              *
*  Computer Science Major - Systems Programing                                *
*  Old Dominion University                                                    *
*  Norfolk, Virginia USA                                                      *
*									      *
*  Others Areas Of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems,         *
*                            Networks, And Telecommunications                 *
*                                        				      *
*  Email Address: popkin@cs.odu.edu				              *
*                 popkin@xanth.cs.odu.edu                                     *
*                 popkin@gnu.ai.mit.edu                                       *
*									      *

*                                                                             *
*  Brian Popkin	                                                              *
*  Computer Science Major - Systems Programing                                *
*  Old Dominion University                                                    *
*  Norfolk, Virginia USA                                                      *
*									      *
*  Others Areas Of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems,         *
*                            Networks, And Telecommunications                 *
*                                        				      *
*  Email Address: popkin@cs.odu.edu				              *
*                 popkin@xanth.cs.odu.edu                                     *
*                 popkin@gnu.ai.mit.edu                                       *
*									      *