[comp.lang.c++] assignment operator for dervired classes

aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) (04/23/91)


I have been having trouble writing an assignment operator for a
class. The problem is how do you initialize the the base class. The
I have done to date suggest that that the assiginment operator for a
class is written the same way the copy constructor is written.

The problem is that I can not call the base class constructor from
within the
derived class assignment operator. I get the following message from
the compiler

"assign.cc", line 49: warning: result of  constructor call expression
not used

#include <s#ream.h>
class X

  X(int i = 0)
        {numX = i;}
  X(const X &other)
        {numX = other.numX;}
  X& operator = (const X &other)
          numX = other.numX;
          return (*this);

  void display() {cout << "numX = " << numX << " ";}

  int numX;

class Y : public X

  Y(int i = 1) : X(i)
        {numY = i;}
  Y(const Y &other) : X(other)
        {numY = other.numY;}

  Y& operator = (const Y &other)
/* 49 */          X(other);
          numY = other.numY;

  void display() {X::display(); cout << "numY = " << numY << "\n";}
  int numY;

 * out put is
 * numX = 2 numY = 2
 * numX = 3 numY = 3
 * numX = 2 numY = 3  this line should be 3,3
 * numX = 3 numY = 3

  Y y1(2);

  Y y2(3);

  y1 = y2;

  Y y3(y2);


                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
				Porky Pig
Andy Davidson
Woodside CA.

fuchs@t500i0.telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de (Harald Fuchs) (04/25/91)

aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) writes:

>I have been having trouble writing an assignment operator for a
>class. The problem is how do you initialize the the base class. The
>I have done to date suggest that that the assiginment operator for a
>class is written the same way the copy constructor is written.

>#include <s#ream.h>
>class X
> public:

>  X(int i = 0)
>        {numX = i;}
>  X(const X &other)
>        {numX = other.numX;}
>  X& operator = (const X &other)
>        {
>          numX = other.numX;
>          return (*this);
>        }

>  void display() {cout << "numX = " << numX << " ";}

> private:
>  int numX;

>class Y : public X
> public:

>  Y(int i = 1) : X(i)
>        {numY = i;}
>  Y(const Y &other) : X(other)
>        {numY = other.numY;}

>  Y& operator = (const Y &other)
>        {
>/* 49 */          X(other);
>          numY = other.numY;
>          return(*this);
>        }

>  void display() {X::display(); cout << "numY = " << numY << "\n";}
> private:
>  int numY;

Use the assignment operator of the base class.
Simply replace line 49 by
  X::operator= (other);

Harald Fuchs <fuchs@t500e0.telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de>

rmartin@clear.com (Bob Martin) (04/25/91)

In article <1991Apr23.153754.4582@netcom.COM> 
	aed@netcom.COM (Andrew Davidson) writes:
>I have been having trouble writing an assignment operator for a derived
>class. The problem is how do you initialize the the base class?

You were using the copy constructor of the base class to try to initialize
the base portion of your derived object.  But you cant "reconstruct" the 
derived object since it already exists.  You must instead modify the base
portion of the existing existing derived object in a manner which is
consistent with the base class.  

try this modification to your program...

>#include <s#ream.h>
>class X
> public:
>  X(int i = 0)
>        {numX = i;}
>  X(const X &other)
>        {numX = other.numX;}
>  X& operator = (const X &other)
>        {
>          numX = other.numX;
>          return (*this);
>        }
>  void display() {cout << "numX = " << numX << " ";}
> private:
>  int numX;
>class Y : public X
> public:
>  Y(int i = 1) : X(i)
>        {numY = i;}
>  Y(const Y &other) : X(other)
>        {numY = other.numY;}
>  Y& operator = (const Y &other)
>        {
			((X&)*this) = other; // invoke the operator= in the derived class.
>          numY = other.numY;
>          return(*this);
>        }
>  void display() {X::display(); cout << "numY = " << numY << "\n";}
> private:
>  int numY;
> * out put is
> * numX = 2 numY = 2
> * numX = 3 numY = 3
> * numX = 2 numY = 3  this line should be 3,3
> * numX = 3 numY = 3
>  Y y1(2);
>  y1.display();
>  Y y2(3);
>  y2.display();
>  y1 = y2;
>  y1.display();
>  Y y3(y2);
>  y3.display();
>                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
>				Porky Pig
>Andy Davidson
>Woodside CA.

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Subject: Re: Fixing NiftyTerm to use SHARED mode on serial.device