[net.sf-lovers] Quite Old Yielder

perry (04/11/83)

	I also regard the Donaldson books as ``horrendously overwritten.''
A more recent letter asked for  a title to compare the six Donaldson books
to. Well, take for example LoTR and  ALL the other Tolkien books and short
stories. They are works of art with  imagination as canvas and the English
language  as  brush.  I  am  continually   thrilled by the sheer beauty of
Tolkien's  words.  On  the  other  hand,   the  most pervasive feeling the
Donaldson's  work has been able to evince from me is on the order of ``Why
does  this  person feel the  need  to impress me with big words?'' Really,
apart from the story (which should  have been allowed to die with dignity)
the writting just isn't that good.

	Another thing: I can't and won't mention names but the person  who
responded to the original note on Donaldson's books  with  a  request  for
other titles (so that he could laugh) is quite  clearly trying to show the
rest of us what kind of little  person  he  is.  Books and literary tastes
are for each of us to decide  for ourselves. To you sir I say that we will
not laugh at what  another  person  deems  to  be  ``good'' literature but
instead will snicker or indeed, ignore you who  would  pass judgement upon
others based on what they read.

				Perry S. Kivolowitz