[comp.lang.c++] coupling Interviews and Motif

devarenn@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr (Agnes Devarenne) (04/22/91)

We are developping a C++ application and we have to use Motif
for the user interface part.
We will have to write editors for graphical objects.
We are thinking of using the graphical objects of
Interviews (the classes derived from graphic). The main problem
seems to be adapting the graphicblock class so that it becomes
a drawable Motif widget (e.g. XmDrawingArea) and no longer 
an Interviews interactor.

We would be glad to hear of any experience like this. Or of
any experience about using Motif in a C++ application

*                                                               *
*  Agnes Devarenne                                              *
*                                                               *
*       Alcatel-Alsthom Recherche
*       Route de Nozay,                                         *
*           91460 MARCOUSSIS    FRANCE                 		*
*								*
* Tel. : (33) (1),                                  *
* mail : devarenn@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr
* Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar                             *
*                                  (S. Freud)                   *
*                                                               *
*  Agnes Devarenne                                              *
*                                                               *

ian@rathe.cs.umn.edu (Ian Hogg) (04/26/91)

In article <1991Apr22.123447.573@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr> devarenn@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr () writes:
>We are developping a C++ application and we have to use Motif
>for the user interface part.
>We will have to write editors for graphical objects.
>We are thinking of using the graphical objects of
>Interviews (the classes derived from graphic). The main problem
>seems to be adapting the graphicblock class so that it becomes
>a drawable Motif widget (e.g. XmDrawingArea) and no longer 
>an Interviews interactor.
>We would be glad to hear of any experience like this. Or of
>any experience about using Motif in a C++ application

  I think Quest Systems as a version of Interviews for sale that uses Motif.  
I don't know much about it but I think I would investigate Solbourn's OI toolkit
that provides either Motif or Open Look look & feel.  (Selectable at runtime).
You can license it from AT&T.

>*                                                               *
>*  Agnes Devarenne                                              *
>*                                                               *
>*       Alcatel-Alsthom Recherche
>*       Route de Nozay,                                         *
>*           91460 MARCOUSSIS    FRANCE                 		*
>*								*
>* Tel. : (33) (1),                                  *
>* mail : devarenn@aar.alcatel-alsthom.fr
>* Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar                             *
>*                                  (S. Freud)                   *
>*                                                               *
>*  Agnes Devarenne                                              *
>*                                                               *

Ian Hogg                        email:  rathe!ian@cs.umn.edu
Rathe, Inc                              ianhogg@cs.umn.edu
366 Jackson Street              phone:  (612) 225-1401