[comp.lang.c++] Help with identifying C++ classes.

shmdgljd@rchvmw3.vnet.ibm.com ("Jay Schmidgall Rochester, MN") (04/26/91)

Greetings.  I don't know if this is the right group to ask so pointers
and/or answers will be appreciated.  Please reply to me direct at
shmdgljd@rchvmw3.vnet.ibm.com   Thanks.  Also, I'm basically a novice with
C++ so please excuse any obvious blunders.  More thanks.


I've in an expert system class and we have to do a protocol analysis for our
current assignment.  To do this, I first need a protocol.  A protocol is a
trace, usually verbal, of how someone solves a problem, i.e., thinking aloud
and having this recorded.  The experimenter can then type up this trace and
analyze it to hopefully find out the underlying method which is used to
solve the problem.

I would like to do this for task for someone identifying a C++ class based
on some requirements.  The requirements would either be a description of the
desired class or an iterative process, e.g., providing some requirements,
suggesting a class, accept / reject and add state additional requirements
and repeat.


1) The C++ libraries that are available here are relatively straightforward,
i.e., basically just the primitive classes such as stack, queue, iostream, etc.

2) Perhaps because of these simple classes, I am having problems coming up
with a task to give to a subject.  I can give her a description of a stack
and she just goes, ``Well, that's a stack.''.  Not much to analyze there.
The iterative approach ends up to basically just a traverse of the class


1) Someone with experience with more complex classes than those I mentioned
to give me some idea of what those classes are like.  This would help me
formulate a better task for the subject to solve.  If you feel like it,
propose a possible task description yourself.

2) Someone I can give a task to and have them record their thinking process.
Due to time constraints, voice recording probably won't work.  I was hoping
someone with a slow day would be able to type up what they did to solve the
task.  I realize this is quite a stretch but hey, you never know until you
ask :-).

3) Any hints on how to better go about this.

Even more thanks.

Jay Schmidgall
&standard_disclaimer.                    Internet:shmdgljd@rchvmw3.vnet.ibm.com