css1rs@ainur.ee.surrey.ac.uk (Russell Smithers) (04/29/91)
Ok then, I have a very simple question for all you lads out there, what are good books to go for if I allready know/learning C if I want to start C++? OK Thats my first question, right the next one does any one now where I can get a C++ compiler for a sun workstation run berkly unix SunOS Release 4.1, I ask the last question because the people that I work with have one but have not ,managed to get it up and running and as I would like a go at C++ befor the end of the world, could any one tell me if its wo rth my while doing this. Any replies suggestions or words of advice could you mail me directly as I hardly ever read News any more, if I get enough response ill summerise them for all you lot. P.S. Are there any amiga owners if there are does any one know of a c++ compiler for the amiga? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Russell Smithers, Computing Assistant, Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, England R.Smithers@cs.surrey.ac.uk R.Smithers@uos-ee.UUCP +483 571281 x2659 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------