[comp.lang.c++] Pascal To C language converter..

popkin@cs.odu.edu (Brian N. Popkin) (04/30/91)

I am currentlt looking for the best language translater from turbo pascal
to standard c or any other c.. please email what you all think is the best..



*                                                                             *
*  Brian Popkin	                                                              *
*  Computer Science Major - Systems Programing                                *
*  Old Dominion University                                                    *
*  Norfolk, Virginia USA                                                      *
*									      *
*  Others Areas Of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems,         *
*                            Networks, And Telecommunications                 *
*                                        				      *
*  Email Address: popkin@cs.odu.edu				              *
*                 popkin@xanth.cs.odu.edu                                     *
*                 popkin@gnu.ai.mit.edu                                       *
*									      *

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (04/30/91)

In article <1991Apr29.221421.8099@cs.odu.edu> popkin@cs.odu.edu (Brian N. Popkin) writes:
>I am currentlt looking for the best language translater from turbo pascal
>to standard c or any other c.. please email what you all think is the best..

I don't have any experience on what is the best, but you'll find
references to a number of such converters in /pc/ts/tsfaq20.arc
Frequently Asked Questions collection available from our site.  I
hope that the others will have information on their relative merits.
We have some good experiences on p2c on our Sun, though.

Prof. Timo Salmi
Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun