[comp.lang.c++] C++ Matrix class

merce@iguana.uucp (Jim Mercer) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr30.042751.28267@athena.mit.edu> bjaspan@athena.mit.edu (Barr3y Jaspan) writes:
>Here is a general n x m Matrix class for C++.  It has been tested on a VAX
>running (mostly) BSD with g++, on an IBM RT running AOS4.3 with cfront, and on
>a DECstation 3100 with g++.  Your mileage may vary.
>The shar file contains Matrix.C and Matrix.H.
>Barr3y Jaspan, bjaspan@mit.edu
>#! /bin/sh

this item perked my interest in c++ and matrix math.

i have had GNU g++ loaded on my system for some time, but had not gotten
the itch to start playing with it until i saw this matrix stuff.

i do not really have a grasp as to the new power c++ gives you over c.

when i attempt to discuss it, i end up getting confused over just what
"Object Oriented" means and how to apply it to problem solving.

anyways, if someone could give me some sample programs which call these
routines, i could combine my interest in matrix math (beginner level)
with my interest in c++ and OOPS.

any references to other small c++ programs would be appreciated.

[ i find it easier to learn something when i can apply it to some task at
  hand.  as opposed to some abstract problem set out for instruction
  purposes. ]


[ Jim Mercer   work: jim@lsuc.on.ca  home: merce@iguana.uucp  +1 519 570-3467 ]
[              "Anarchists Unite!" - seen spray painted on a wall             ]