[comp.lang.c++] Charles Petzold book offer from Borland C++

tar@pa.reuter.COM (Dan Tarnower) (04/20/91)

I called Borland about the Petzold book.  I sent in the card on
March 12.

They told me that a distribution house named "DPAS" is handling the
book, and they have nothing to do with it.  They gave me a number
for DPAS:  (800) 345-2888

I called them, and they said "a programming bug" has held up the
shipments.  The problem was only corrected this week, and shipping
has only just started.

They said that if I didn't get my book by next Friday (4/26), then
I should call them back.  Believe me, I will...

/Dan Tarnower

kaufman@eecs.nwu.edu (Michael L. Kaufman) (04/22/91)

I got mine last week.  An interesting thing:

On the back of the book, above the price, it says, "Promotional Copy - Not for
Resale".  Interesting, huh?


Michael Kaufman | I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on
 kaufman        | fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in
  @eecs.nwu.edu | the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be
                | lost in time - like tears in rain. Time to die.     Roy Batty 

horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (04/23/91)

In article <863@saxony.pa.reuter.COM> tar@pa.reuter.COM (Dan Tarnower) writes:
>I called Borland about the Petzold book.  I sent in the card on
>March 12.
>They told me that a distribution house named "DPAS" is handling the
>book, and they have nothing to do with it.  They gave me a number
>for DPAS:  (800) 345-2888
>I called them, and they said "a programming bug" has held up the
>shipments.  The problem was only corrected this week, and shipping
>has only just started.
>They said that if I didn't get my book by next Friday (4/26), then
>I should call them back.  Believe me, I will...
I got my Petzold book today, so they seem to be up and running now.
I was surprised too to see the stuff coming in a plain white box out
of Gilroy, CA (the garlic capitol of the world). The package also
included a copy of the help compiler for windows hypertext help. Good show!


rafiq@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Salik "slick" Rafiq) (04/29/91)

In article <1991Apr23.040742.7914@mathcs.sjsu.edu> horstman@mathcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) writes:
>In article <863@saxony.pa.reuter.COM> tar@pa.reuter.COM (Dan Tarnower) writes:
>>I called Borland about the Petzold book.  I sent in the card on
>>March 12.
>>They told me that a distribution house named "DPAS" is handling the
>>book, and they have nothing to do with it.  They gave me a number
>>for DPAS:  (800) 345-2888
>>I called them, and they said "a programming bug" has held up the
>>shipments.  The problem was only corrected this week, and shipping
>>has only just started.
>>They said that if I didn't get my book by next Friday (4/26), then
>>I should call them back.  Believe me, I will...
>I got my Petzold book today, so they seem to be up and running now.
>I was surprised too to see the stuff coming in a plain white box out
>of Gilroy, CA (the garlic capitol of the world). The package also
>included a copy of the help compiler for windows hypertext help. Good show!

I got my copy of Petzold about 2 weeks ago, only about 10 days after
I sent my card in. I didn't get my Help Compiler though...(maybe
its on of those (not available outside of USA) deals?) I guess I'll
have to call them.


Salik Rafiq                      internet:      rafiq@ccu.UManitoba.CA
Department of Computer Science	                rafiq@cs.UManitoba.CA
University of Manitoba		 BITNET:	rafiq@UOFMCC

rich@wiley.uucp (Rich Messenger) (04/30/91)

At the risk of offending those who abhor endless followups to
articles, I thought I'd add my own datapoint so those of you who are
interested can guage whether or not to be worried yet.

I send my registration card in on March 17, and received the Petzold
book and the help compiler kit today (April 29).
     _ __
    ' )  )      /                      ... Rich Messenger
     /--' o _. /_                          rich@wilbur.coyote.trw.com
    /  \_(_(__/ /_                         {uunet,cit-vax,trwrb}!wiley!rich

mlord@bwdls58.bnr.ca (Mark Lord) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr28.232447.21934@ccu.umanitoba.ca> rafiq@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Salik "slick" Rafiq) writes:
<>I got my Petzold book today, so they seem to be up and running now.
<>...  The package also
<>included a copy of the help compiler for windows hypertext help. Good show!
<I got my copy of Petzold about 2 weeks ago, only about 10 days after
<I sent my card in. I didn't get my Help Compiler though...(maybe
<its on of those (not available outside of USA) deals?)

Not to worry.  I received the help compiler directly from Borland,
without even having asked for it.  Probably the first time they ever
used the "registered users" list to send me software automatically!
MLORD@BNR.CA  Ottawa, Ontario *** Personal views only ***
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