[comp.lang.c++] C++ Garbage Collection...

<U09541@uicvm.uic.edu> (04/30/91)

A while back someone in this group posted an article about C++ garbage
collection.  Has anyone done anything in C++ garbage collection lately.
Can anyone summarize on how much (and effective) garbage collection is
done in C++?

-Michael Lam
U of Illinois at Chicago, eecs dept.

bartlett@decwrl.dec.com (Joel Bartlett) (05/01/91)

We've been using a generational, compacting garbage collector with C++
for about 18 months.  The people who have been writing CAD tools using
it claim that they would not have been able to write them without it.

The collector is available for anonymous ftp from 'gatekeeper.dec.com'
[]. The are in '/pub/DEC/CCgc' and include:

         26nov90.tar.Z           initial release.  This includes support for
                                 Digital VAX and DECstation systems running
         README                  copyright notice and overview


drich@klaatu.lanl.gov (David O. Rich) (05/01/91)

>From bartlett@decwrl.dec.com (Joel Bartlett)
>   We've been using a generational, compacting garbage collector with
>   C++ for about 18 months. ...
>   The collector is available for anonymous ftp from
>   'gatekeeper.dec.com' ...
>	... Includes support for Digital VAX and DECstation systems
>	    running ULTRIX.

Has anyone ported this to a Sun (say a SPARCstation running

>From bartlett@wrl.dec.com Wed May 1 10:27:26 1991
>   I know it's been done, but I don't have a name handy.  Try a message to
>   comp.lang.c++.

How about a name and some yummy source code? ;-)

David Rich (dor@lanl.gov)