[comp.lang.c++] LOW BC++ price & 2 Help Complier books.....

UD157912@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Felix Wong) (05/03/91)

About a month ago, I brought BC++ from my university's Bookstore. It is CHEAP!
the whole thing cost only $99.95. Not an upgrade. It is a complete package,
including the FREE Programming Windows book. First my friend brought it.
He didn't have the Help complier. I then brought mine after the second ship-
ment came in. This time, I have a manual of Help Complier but not the disks for
Help Complier. It is not in those 11 720K disks. I compared the disk 1 of my
copy with my friend's disk 1, different size on some files. I didn't really
look into that. Today, I received my free Programming Windows book. There is
also a Help Complier book and 2 720K disks and 1 1.2M disk. "Update for Help
Complier" is printed on the disks. The letter came with the package says there
in also an updated TDW and Whitewater Resource Toolkit with better handling
of the international keyboard. One stupid thing also came with the package is
a discount card to buy Programming Windows for $19.95. Do they really think
people would spend $19.95 to get a second copy of a book that they got
the first copy for FREE? Somebody mentioned that the delay of the free book
shipping was because of a bug, I think there is more than one...;-)
