[comp.lang.c++] Info request: Coding Guidelines. Library Reuse.

paj@uk.co.gec-mrc (Paul Johnson) (04/19/91)

Does anyone out there know of any coding guidelines for C++ which will
enhance reusability and portability?  If so, could you please mail me
with a reference or a copy?

Also, how reusable are the major C++ libraries?  Does anyone base
their work on the NIH or libg++ libraries?  Are these things actually
worth learning and using?

Thanks in advance,


Paul Johnson |            Isn't modern education wonderful: one size fits all!
GEC-Marconi Research is not 	| Telex: 995016 GECRES G  | Tel: +44 245 73331
responsible for my opinions.	| Inet: paj@gec-mrc.co.uk | Fax: +44 245 75244

jwalsh@amon-ra.Rational.COM (James Walsh) (05/03/91)

paj@uk.co.gec-mrc (Paul Johnson) writes:

>Does anyone out there know of any coding guidelines for C++ which will
>enhance reusability and portability?  If so, could you please mail me
>with a reference or a copy?

>Also, how reusable are the major C++ libraries?  Does anyone base
>their work on the NIH or libg++ libraries?  Are these things actually
>worth learning and using?

>Thanks in advance,


>Paul Johnson |            Isn't modern education wonderful: one size fits all!
>GEC-Marconi Research is not 	| Telex: 995016 GECRES G  | Tel: +44 245 73331
>responsible for my opinions.	| Inet: paj@gec-mrc.co.uk | Fax: +44 245 75244


I came across a very theoretical and abstract paper (not coding
guidelines) called "Object-oriented software design metrics: A
Measurement Theory approach" by Shyam Chidamber and Chris Kemerer of
MIT, (617) 253-2971 which they submitted to OOPSLA '91.  Also
rbm@mozart.att.com (Robert Murray, AT&T Bell Labs (908) 580-5742) has
a paper "C++ Strategy and Tactics", and mike@taumet.com (Michael S.
Ball, TauMetric Corp, Costa Mesa CA) has a paper called "Advanced C++

If you find out anything else--or about C++ testing analysis
tools--could you let me know?
David Kaelbling                                       (408) 496-3600
c/o Rational; 3320 Scott Boulevard; Santa Clara, CA       95054-3197
Email: DKaelbling@Rational.COM, or uucp {uunet,ubvax,aeras}!igor!drk

mike@taumet.com (Michael S. Ball) (05/04/91)

In article <jwalsh.673211957@amon-ra> jwalsh@amon-ra.Rational.COM (James Walsh) writes:
>a paper "C++ Strategy and Tactics", and mike@taumet.com (Michael S.
>Ball, TauMetric Corp, Costa Mesa CA) has a paper called "Advanced C++

Unfortunately, I don't have such a paper.  I gave a tutorial with that
tital at SCOOP West, which is probably the source of the confusion.

Also, we are in La Mesa, which is a suburb of San Diego, not Costa Mesa.
Michael S. Ball			mike@taumet.com
TauMetric Corporation		(619)697-7607