[comp.lang.c++] Concurrent C/C++

khaled@cs.uiuc.edu (Khaled Al-Dhaher) (05/04/91)

I am looking for a Concurrent C/C++ compiler.
Is this, or a similar thing available? 
and if so, how can I get a copy of it
(ftp site would be great)

I appreciate any information.


Khaled AL-Dhaher

frain@cis.ksu.edu (Jerry Frain) (05/05/91)

khaled@cs.uiuc.edu (Khaled Al-Dhaher) writes:

>I am looking for a Concurrent C/C++ compiler.
>Is this, or a similar thing available?

AT&T Bell Labs has developed Concurrent C/C++ compiler.  Concurrent C/C++
is a superset of C, Concurrent C, and C++.  It is used primarily as a
research tool, I believe, and is the subject of ongoing research and
development at Bell Labs.

>and if so, how can I get a copy of it
>(ftp site would be great)

The Concurrent C/C++ compiler is not free.  It is licensed by AT&T,
you'll have to contact an AT&T representative to find out if it is
available, and how much it costs.

Concurrent C/C++ is available for AT&T 3b, VAX and Sun platforms.

If you're interested, I can cite some papers for references to
Concurrent C and Concurrent C/C++.  I don't have them with me now,
or I'd include them.


Jerry Frain -- Systems Programmer               Kansas State University
                                        Department of Computing & Info Sciences
Internet : frain@cis.ksu.edu                       Manhattan, Kansas
UUCP     : ...!rutgers!ksuvax1!frain